Libertarian Celebrities

Libertarian Celebrities

Some of your favorite famous people just may be libertarian! Check out this definitive list of celebrities who believe in individual liberty, free markets, and peace. Just about everyone has libertarian views on some issues, and many people are libertarian but don’t know there’s a name for what they believe (or who choose not to publicly label their views). However, we have a special criteria for someone making this list: they have publicly declared themselves “libertarian.”

Be sure to bookmark this page and check back often, because libertarianism is becoming more and more popular every day and we’re always adding new people to the list. If you hear any celebrities saying they are libertarian, please let us know!

Wil Wheaton

Rupert Boneham

Clint Eastwood

Vince Vaughn

Art Bell

Ayn Rand

Dixie Carter

Sir Mix-a-lot

Rob Lowe

Milton Friedman

Marshall Fritz

Mark Cuban

Kurt Loder

Kennedy Montgomery

Joe Rogan

Hugh Downs

Greg Raymer

Greg Gutfeld

Glenn Jacobs

Gary Johnson

Drew Carey

Craig Newmark

Doug Stanhope

David Lynch

David Bergland

Dave Barry

Dean Koontz

Antwan Patton aka Big Boi

Andy Levy

Andrew Napolitano

David F Nolan

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