What's your political type?

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Trusted by academics and taken by millions of students on university campuses, worldwide.


The Quiz has gained respect as a valid measure of a person’s political leanings.

The Washington Post


The Quiz stands ready to help you determine your political identity. Quick and relatively painless.

USA Today


I have been using the Quiz in my American Government class for about five years. Students usually find it to be an eye-opener.

Sean D. Foreman, Ph.D

Left-Right politics is outdated.

The World’s Smallest Political Quiz, renowned for its ease of use, shows a variety of beliefs beyond just “left” vs. “right.” See where your beliefs land on our unique political landscape.

Political Quiz

Learn about 5 political types.

Where do you think coercion should be applied in the economic and personal spheres? Depending on your answers, you fall into one of five political types.

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Are Your Beliefs Respectful or Coercive?

Take our brand new Human Respect Test tailored for each political type.

Human Respect Test


To equip people to understand, embrace, and advocate the values of self-government.

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World's Smallest
Political Quiz

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