Human Respect Score:

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Your Human Respect Score indicates your respectfulness is low and your coerciveness is high. That means you are either willing to threaten violence against others to get your way, or have others threaten violence on your behalf. We encourage you to work towards human respect, which is a commitment to a world of happiness, harmony and prosperity.
In thinking about living with other people peacefully, you should consider ways to move your Human Respect Score towards “respectful.” One way to do this is to try to imagine ways to realize your ideals through peaceful collaboration. Instead of thinking about how to force others to live by your ideals, imagine how you can persuade them to work for the good. That starts with being a good example, and showing others the way.
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More Information
Your Human Respect Score indicates your respectfulness is low and your coerciveness is high. That means you are either willing to threaten violence against others to get your way, or have others threaten violence on your behalf. We encourage you to work towards human respect, which is a commitment to a world of happiness, harmony and prosperity.
In thinking about living with other people peacefully, you should consider ways to move your Human Respect Score towards “respectful.” One way to do this is to try to imagine ways to realize your ideals through peaceful collaboration. Instead of thinking about how to force others to live by your ideals, imagine how you can persuade them to work for the good. That starts with being a good example, and showing others the way.