Do You Listen?
Do You Listen?
This article was featured in our weekly newsletter, the Liberator Online. To receive it in your inbox, sign up here. I mean TRULY listen. Or are you waiting for your turn to speak? We have conversations every day, but I don’t see many engaged conversations. I see many participating, as if they are following a script’s cues: talk, talk, talk, and wait to talk again. Great communicators listen actively, not waiting for their opportunity to speak, scrolling through things on their smartphone, or talking past others in the conversation. In political conversations, it seems that we only wait for our opportunity to talk past one another. Unfortunately, that means that no participant actually understands the others’ concerns or point of view on the issue being discussed. We simply wait to throw out our next fact, figure, emotional pitch, or sound-byte, rather than listening to what others say. When we truly listen, we get the benefit of hearing a different perspective. We hear their concerns, and we find out how they work through solving an issue of concern to them. What can you do to make yourself a better listener (and a better communicator)? Try out these five tips from Inc. on The Huffington Post:So, are you ready to listen?
- Be present. Being “in the moment” is not just for yoga or Grateful Dead concerts. If you are going to take in what someone is saying, you have to truly focus your mental awareness on the person. Push distractions aside. Give a person the gift of your attention. Put down the smartphone, turn off your computer screen, put down the book or magazine, and look at him or her with a neutral or pleasant expression. Most people are so accustomed to having half of someone else’s focus at any given moment that this gesture alone will make them feel important and it will allow you to actually hear what they are saying.
- Turn down the inner voice. Internal analysis of any conversation is unavoidable and necessary, but often it’s at the expense of objectivity. That voice can actually take over in your brain to the point at which you are no longer listening to the person talking and instead simply listening to the diatribe in your head. There is plenty of time after a conversation to assess the value of what you heard, but first you have to hear it. One technique for quieting the inner voice is simple note taking. Writing down even key words or short phrases will force you to absorb the information coming in. Then you can process it on your own outside the presence of the speaker. As an added benefit, you’ll have a more accurate representation of what was actually said for later discussion.
- Hold up a mirror. This is a technique many psychologists and counselors recommend to help alleviate conflict. When the opportunity arises, speak up and describe for the person what you have just heard him or her say. It is OK to rephrase in your own words. Be sure to end with a request for confirmation: “So what you’re most concerned about is that the new hires lack training. Is that accurate?” The speaker then knows you are paying attention and fully engaged.
- Ask for clarification. During a conversation, hunt for areas of interest where you might further inquire. Without derailing his or her train of thought, ask the speaker to expand and clarify: “What do you mean by ‘interesting?’” or “Why do you think that is so important?” The speaker will appreciate the interaction, and you will gain better understanding of the person’s perspective as well as your own perception of the information.
- Establish follow-up. At the end of any conversation, discuss and determine if there are action steps required. This check-in will alert speakers to your actual concern for what they said, and help them assess their own relevancy to your needs.Express appreciation for their sharing, and let them know what you found to be valuable from the conversation. Making them feel heard increases the odds they’ll truly listen to you when you have something to say you believe is important.
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