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Quizzes & Apps


I Finally Understand My Political Identity

What’s your political type? Find out right now by taking The World’s Smallest Political Quiz.

Quizzes taken & counting
In The Press

Trusted by academics and taken by millions of students on university campuses, worldwide.

  • The Quiz has gained respect as a valid measure of a person’s political leanings.
  • The World’s Smallest Political Quiz is proving a revelation in Britain and America. For many it has exposed their true political leanings for the first time.
  • The World’s Smallest Political Quiz stands ready to help you determine your political identity. Quick and relatively painless.
  • Take the World’s Smallest Political Quiz online and you can figure out just where you really stand!
  • Give this quiz a try. It’s fun, and who knows, you may be surprised at what you find.
  • I just took an online political quiz that you should try. It takes less than a minute, but it will help you look at politics in a whole new way.
  • The most concise and accurate political quiz out there.
  • The World’s Smallest Political Quiz is savvy and willing to tell you the truth.
  • [An] irresistible political quiz. Find out why it’s so popular.
  • I suggest you take the World’s Smallest Political Quiz. Discover where your political beliefs really lie…
Our Mission
Advocates for Self-Government is nonpartisan and nonprofit. We exist to help you determine your political views and to promote a free, prosperous, and self-governing society.
The Nolan Chart

A More Inclusive Political Map

Discover how the Nolan Chart has been revolutionary in representing a broader range of political beliefs, and learn more about the Quiz.

Compare Political Types

Understand the Five Political Types.

Directly compare each political type and discover the similarities and differences between each. Where do you align?
Human Respect

Are Your Beliefs Respectful or Coercive?

Self-government is impractical without Human Respect. How capable are you as an effective self-governor?