Who We Are
We are a community that champions human happiness, harmony, and prosperity through the values of self-government. These include persuasion and voluntary cooperation, personal responsibility, and respect for persons and their property.
Those who advocate for self-government reject the initiation of force as a means of solving social problems. Instead, we promote a social philosophy that promises greater public safety, effective regulation, and compassionate welfare. Our philosophy replaces coercion with persuasion and violent state power with systems of voluntary association.
Our Vision
A world of self-governing people living in a condition of happiness, harmony and prosperity.
Our Mission
To equip people to understand, embrace, and advocate the values of self-government.
Are You Libertarian Or Moderate?
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Achieving Self-Government

Good government is no substitute for self-government.
Whether it begins in the classroom, at a county fair, or at home in front of a computer, The Advocates for Self-Government starts conversations to foster an understanding of our philosophy which better advances human happiness, well-being, and fulfillment. Millions of thoughtful people are interested in the role and concept of government. We engage them.
We draw from decades of experience to offer unique educational resources to teachers who want their students to explore a more comprehensive representation of political thought and social philosophy — starting with our implementation of the Nolan Chart and the World’s Smallest Political Quiz. In short, there’s far more to political philosophy than “Team Red” or “Team Blue.”
Indeed, we believe that our current system of politics creates a false dichotomy. Imagine if your smartphone had only two apps, red or blue. Choose the red app and you commit to forced social control but economic freedom. Choose the blue app and you commit to social freedom and forced economic control. But what if you value social control and economic control? And what if, like us, you value social freedom and economic freedom?

The qualifications for self-government in society are not innate. they are the result of habit and long training.
Once we’ve made the case for self-government, explaining its social benefits and political ramifications, we turn to address a fundamental question: How can one person (out of millions), make a difference by applying the social values of self-government in their own lives?
To this end, we endeavor to introduce new channels for putting principles into action by:
- Showcasing real-life stories of charities, companies, and individuals who practice self-government in pursuit of their personal missions and values;
- Providing access to original content in books, newsletters, or video formats to reach people in their preferred media, so they can go from understanding to advocacy;
- Connecting interested, practicing Advocates to educational and community opportunities to advance beneficial social change;
- Offering tools, whether for policy analysis or persuasive techniques, to help others break out of the conflict machine of power politics, regain control, and begin to self-govern;
- We invite our audience to join The Advocates and resolve to employ solutions based in persuasion and voluntary cooperation to social issues.

That government is best which governs not at all; and when men are prepared for it, that will be the kind of government which they will have.
Self-government is not a solitary endeavor. It is not something one achieves in isolation. On the contrary, it is a social and civic pursuit that, along with the fruits of freedom and prosperity, brings with it responsibilities. Once one understands and embraces the social values of self-government, The Advocates works to equip our community with resources to spread the message to others.
Our work at the Advocates for Self-Government will result in expanding our circle of Advocates. These individuals are champions who not only embody the principles of self-government in their daily lives, but also actively work to share the values with others, so they might begin their own personal journey.
Our advocacy outreach includes the following products, activities, and resources for our Advocates:
- Operation Politically Homeless kits – These are tabling or booth kits for events. It includes everything you need to start conversations about self-government with the next generation of Advocates.
- Digital Outreach Booth – Use the World’s Smallest Political Quiz to drive traffic to our membership and partnership networks.
- Seminars, Workshops, and Webinars.
Self-government embraces a cohesive community of voluntary social cooperation. It is a way of being that requires both self-discipline and a commitment to helping others through peaceful and voluntary solutions. As more people become Advocates, fewer people will rely on coercive institutions (political force) to make social change.