FREE Libertarian E-Book: Why Liberty
(From the Intellectual Ammunition section in Volume 18, No. 23 of the Liberator Online. Subscribe here!)
Last issue we reviewed an outstanding free ebook from Students For Liberty (SFL), After the Welfare State.
Now we’re pleased to suggest another SFL title to add to your ebook library.
Why Liberty is a highly readable book edited by distinguished libertarian scholar Tom G. Palmer. It is suitable for absolute newcomers to libertarianism as well as longtime libertarians.
Why Liberty is a collection of short articles from experts in the fields of policy, academia, business, media, and student organizing. The articles are unified by an emphasis on liberty as a dynamic and liberating force with the power to change the world. They point out the urgent need all people have for liberty.
Why Liberty examines the libertarian idea through the lenses of culture, entrepreneurship, health, art, technology, philosophy and more. The articles can be read in any order — a reader can dip anywhere into the book and start learning and enjoying. “Think of it as a bag of healthy snacks for the mind,” suggests SFL.
You can learn more about Why Liberty here. Download it as a FREE PDF ebook on that same page (scoot down to the link entitled “Read the full Why Liberty here!”) or go here.
Here’s the table of contents:
1. Why Be Libertarian, by Tom Palmer
2. There Ought NOT to Be a Law, by John Stossel
3. Libertarianism as Radical Centrism, by Clark Ruper
4. The History and Structure of Libertarian Thought, by Tom Palmer
5. The Times, They Are A-Changin’: Libertarianism as Abolitionism, by James Padilioni, Jr.
6. The Political Principle of Liberty, by Alexander McCobin
7. No Liberty, No Art: No Art, No Liberty, by Sarah Skwire
8. The Humble Case for Liberty, by Aaron Ross Powell
9. Africa’s Promise of Liberty, by Olumayowa Okediran
10. The Tangled Dynamics of State Interventionism: The Case of Health Care, by Sloane Frost
11. How Do You Know? Knowledge and the Presumption of Liberty, by Lode Cossaer and Maarten Wegge
12. The Origins of State and Government, by Tom Palmer
As David Boaz of the Cato Institute notes, “Once your rights are taken away, it’s hard to get them back. The authors of Why Liberty explain why you should fight for your freedom.”
Highly recommended. Why Liberty is published by SFL in conjunction with the Atlas Network.
Student groups note: Free print copies in bulk for student libertarian groups to distribute are also available. You can learn more about that here.

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