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Libertarian Candidates Pledge: End the Failed and Immoral War on Drugs

Libertarian Candidates Pledge: End the Failed and Immoral War on Drugs

Published in Liberator Online - 4 mins - Oct 29
(From the Intellectual Ammunition section in Volume 19, No. 18 of the Liberator Online. Subscribe here!) Scores of Libertarian Party candidates for federal office have pledged to downsize the bloated federal government — in these big and specific ways:
  • Eliminate the federal income tax
  • Abolish the NSA
  • Cut military spending by 60%
  • End the War on Drugs
End the War on DrugsWe’re exploring each of these pledges in detail, one per issue, because the Libertarian Party has done a great job of showing that these bold proposals are not only possible, but practical and enormously beneficial. (You can read about all four positions here.) Here’s the final one: End the failed War on Drugs. The candidates pledge: “If elected, I will sponsor legislation to end the War on Drugs, release all victimless drug ‘criminals’ from prison, abolish the federal Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), and cut taxes accordingly.” Here is the Libertarian Party’s case for ending the failed War on Drugs:
  • The War on Drugs has proven far more deadly and destructive than drugs themselves. 
  • Just as alcohol prohibition prompted organized crime, consumption of stronger alcoholic drinks, and an epidemic of alcohol overdose deaths, drug prohibition has prompted the formation of deadly street gangs, use of stronger drugs, and an increase in drug overdose deaths.
  • Because of the Drug War, the United States incarcerates more people than any country on earth. More than 500,000 Americans are now serving time in jail or prison for drug “offenses.” They are peaceful citizens, separated from their children and families, who could be living productive lives. Instead, their incarceration has cost taxpayers more than $1 trillion since 1971.
  • More than 658,000 people are arrested every year for mere possession of marijuana, diverting attention from where it should be: on violent criminals.
  • Marijuana prohibition denies those suffering from cancer, AIDS, migraines, glaucoma, and other serious diseases their right to an effective treatment that both reduces suffering and saves lives.
When we end the War on Drugs:
  • Crime will go down dramatically, making our streets and homes safer.
  • Law enforcement will focus more on finding and prosecuting murderers, rapists, and thieves.
  • People now in prison who never harmed another human being will be free to go home to their families. Their children will grow up with their mom or dad at home.
  • Each taxpayer will get back hundreds of dollars — every year — that they now spend on today’s failed prohibition. Money they can save, spend, or give away to others in need.
  • People suffering from cancer, AIDS, and other serious diseases will have dignified and safe access to medical marijuana, giving them their best chance for a long and healthy life.
  • Finally, ending the War on Drugs sends the right message to kids:

Be personally responsible. Be just, be reasonable, and honor individual rights. Admit mistakes and get rid of bad laws that don’t work. End unnecessary human suffering.

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Author of The Social Singularity, After Collapse, and The Decentralist. His most recent book is Underthrow: How Jefferson’s Dangerous Idea will Spark a New Revolution.

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