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Louisville Police Stands Against Gun Rights With Moms Demand Action
On June 7, 2019, the Louisville Police joined Moms Demand Action to rally against our right to bear arms. Perhaps this will be a learning moment for the readers of this article.
Hopefully, the people realize that police overwhelmingly support disarming you and will take your guns if given the order to do so. There is enough precedent to back this. Just last year, police in Maryland killed a man after they tried to disarm him without due process.
Louisville Police Stands Against Your Rights; Don’t Stand for Them
When I reached out for comment from Louisville Metro, I asked the following questions: “A post you all made showing that one of your officers spoke at a Mom’s Demand Action rally has been brought to my attention and I am writing an article on this. First, who is the officer that spoke on y’all’s behalf? Second, do the positions of Moms Demand Action represent the positions of Louisville Metro Police Department? Third, did any of LMPD’s budget go toward this event, whether it be for sponsorship or for the speaker (even if she was on duty)? Fourth, what gun control and/or citizen disarmament policies does LMPD support beyond the platform of Moms Demand Action?”
Louisville Metro gave the following response: “First, who is the officer that spoke on y’all’s behalf? Lt. Col. LaVita Chavous. Second, do the positions of Moms Demand Action represent the positions of Louisville Metro Police Department? No. However, the LMPD does support a reduction in any violent crime. Third, did any of LMPD’s budget go toward this event, whether it be for sponsorship or for the speaker (even if she was on duty)? No. We were invited by Councilwoman Barbara Sexton Smith and asked to speak once there. Fourth, what gun control and/or citizen disarmament policies does LMPD support beyond the platform of Moms Demand Action? The LMPD supports and enforces the 2nd Amendment and KY state law.”
While LMPD claims that Moms Demand Action does not align with the department, one must remember that the police department actively spoke against Permitless Carry this February. Moms Demand Action is another group that stood against this common sense pro-gun legislation. This alone precludes Louisville Police from claiming to support the Second Amendment.
The claim that they “support a reduction in any violent crime” is rhetoric to distract you from the group they just rallied with. Moms Demand Action is VERY pro-violence. It takes government force to enforce their anti-liberty agenda. While Moms Demand Action doesn’t have a public platform, we can draw conclusions based upon their “victories.” Based upon this list, there is not a single restriction on the right to bear arms that Moms Demand Action doesn’t support. Anyone who allies with them is not on the side of liberty.
The Police Will Confiscate Your Guns
While many mainstream conservatives “Back the Blue,” remember that the Blue is the violent wing of the government. They are the ones who will revoke your guns if a gun ban passes. The police enforce unjust laws right now via the failed war on drugs; there is no reason to believe they wouldn’t do the same with a war on guns. If you believe in gun rights, there is little one can do to reconcile that belief with support for police, especially now that multiple police departments are explicitly teaming up with radical anti-gun organizations.
The folk at Louisville Metro are modern Redcoats who are enthusiastic in their stand against your rights. One would think that Louisville Police would stand for freedom especially since they are from Kentucky, a rather conservative state. But this police department went as far as testifying against the fight for Constitutional Carry this year. They support revoking your rights, all of them.
When it comes down to it, remember that an oath to the constitution means nothing to these people in the pursuit of power.

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