Mises Institute: Free Downloadable Libertarian Library
(From the Intellectual Ammunition section in Volume 19, No. 6 of the Liberator Online. Subscribe here!)
The Ludwig von Mises Institute has created one of the great online libertarian treasures. It has made hundreds of classic libertarian books available online — for free.
If you have an e-reader, or don’t mind reading on your computer, then an intellectual feast awaits you. In just minutes an incredible library of vital libertarian writing, worth thousands of dollars in cover value and of inestimable intellectual value, can be yours.
Many of the most important and essential works by the greatest libertarian authors are here. There are established classics and exciting new works. There’s so much great reading, in fact, that it’s difficult to know where to begin.
The newcomer to the writings of liberty can pick and choose from essential classics like these:
- For A New Liberty, Murray Rothbard’s acclaimed 1973 libertarian primer.
- What Has Government Done to our Money?, Rothbard’s short, easy-to-read mind-opening guide to the fundamentals of market-based money.
- Defending the Undefendable: Walter Block’s superb assault on victimless crime laws (with a provocative new introduction by Block).
- Great Wars and Great Leaders by Ralph Raico: Hard-hitting essays that will forever change the way you view modern history.
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