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More Love

More Love

Published in Liberator Online - 2 mins - Jun 13

More Love

This article was featured in our weekly newsletter, the Liberator Online. To receive it in your inbox, sign up here. When we woke up yesterday, the breaking news was about a senseless tragedy that took place overnight in Orlando at Pulse nightclub. That tragedy took 49 of our families and loved ones. moreloveAs is often the case, without full information, those seeking to politicize the great suffering caused by the event jumped in with both feet. Whether the issue is terrorism, guns, Muslims, the LGBT community, or immigration, those seeking to promote their agenda took to social media, news interviews, and any avenue they could find to spread the word. As we noted on Facebook, our first priority is to grieve for the loss of life. Full stop. There are 49 families who just lost their son, daughter, father, mother, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, or cousin. There are 49 families who are laying someone they love to rest. There are 49 families who will never be the same. For the rest of us, the stunned feeling still shakes us, as we learn more about the victims, the perpetrator, and the actions that took place there. We need time to process what happened. We need time to have a full picture of what occurred. Rather than make assumptions, based on the little bit of information that’s publicly available, let us save our voices for love. Let US share it to our families. Let US share it to our neighbors. Let US share it with our friends. Let US reach out to those affected by the tragic events in Orlando. Let US give blood. Let US be the example of how we should respond. One of my favorite things about libertarians is how much we have to offer in times of struggle, and how much we help those in need. Let US do that. When the grieving wanes, we can have a conversation about what should happen. But first, let US love.

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