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They Said It…

They Said It…

Published in Liberator Online - 4 mins - Dec 02
(From Volume 18, No. 22 of the Liberator Online. Subscribe here!) THIEVES: “If any American did privately what Congress does publicly, he’d be condemned as an ordinary thief. Taking what belongs to one American to give to another is theft, and the receiver is a recipient of stolen property.” — economist Walter Williams, “Is There a Way Out?”, syndicated column Oct. 30, 2013. OBAMA WINS AWARD FOR OBAMACARE “WHOPPER”: “Four Pinocchios.” — rating from the Washington Post‘s “Fact Checker” column for President Obama’s false 2010 claim that, under Obamacare, “if you like your insurance, you will keep it.” Four Pinocchios is the Post’s highest award for a falsehood; the paper says it is reserved exclusively for “whoppers.” GLOBAL LEADERS SAY STOP THE WAR ON DRUGS: “Each year, hundreds of thousands of people around the world die from preventable drug-related disease and violence. Millions of users are arrested and thrown in jail. Globally, communities are blighted by drug-related crime. Citizens see huge amounts of their taxes spent on harsh policies that are not working. …It is time for a smarter approach to drugpolicy. Putting people’s health and safety first is an imperative…” — Kofi Annan, former secretary general of the United Nations, and Fernando Henrique Cardoso, former president of Brazil, “Stop ‘war on drugs,’”, Nov. 5, 2013. Both men are members of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, seeking international drug law reform. STOP TAXING THE WORKING POOR: “The reasonthat the national minimum wage is not a living wage is because government taxes the working poor too much. We do not have a low wage problem at all, we have instead tax poverty. …if you want the working poor to have more money just stop taxing them so damn much.” — British journalist Tim Worstall, “Yes, it’s still tax poverty, not a Living Wage,” Adam Smith Institute blog, Nov. 5, 2013 A WALL FOUR MILES LONG: “The Vietnam Memorial Wall in D.C. contains the names of 58,272 Americans who died in the war. Its message is that the tragedy of that wretched war was that 58,000 Americans died. The wall is 146 feet long. Imagine a wall that also contained the names of all the Vietnamese, Cambodians, Laotians, and others who died. Such a wall would be over 4 miles long.” — filmmaker Oliver Stone and historian Peter Kuznick, “The myth of American exceptionalism,” USA TODAY, Oct. 25, 2013. (Thanks to Lawrence Vance, blog.) RON PAUL — WHY I BECAME A DOCTOR: “I became a doctor to avoid being a soldier. I knew I would be drafted, and such things as seeking asylum in another country, or becoming a conscientious objector, were out of my range of thought at that time. But if I became a doctor, I knew I would not be given a rifle and told to shoot other young men at government orders. …Though the horrible UN oath is used in medical schools these days, I still adhere to the Hippocratic Oath, and its injunction to ‘First, do no harm.’ It’s a great, ancient libertarian principle.” — Ron Paul, “Why”, November 8, 2013. JAY LENO ON THE OBAMACARE DISASTER: “A new record was set today in the 100 meters. It was set by Senate Democrats running away from Obamacare.” — Jay Leno, Nov. 11, 2013. DON’T CALL US, WE’LL CALL YOU: “According to The Washington Post, the White House is considering appointing a civilian to lead the NSA. If you’re interested in the job, no need to submit a résumé, they have all your information already. They will call you.” — Jay Leno, Nov. 11, 2013. * * * * * * * * * * “They Said It…” is compiled by Liberator Online editor James W. Harris.

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