Out-Teach the Opponents of Liberty
(From the Persuasion Powerpoint section in Volume 20, No. 10 of the Liberator Online. Subscribe here!)
Strategies and tactics of libertarian persuasion can change people’s beliefs and opinions.
But they pale beside the mind-changing power of teaching others the facts and principles of liberty.
A little libertarian learning can change the hearts and minds of millions.
Don’t take my word for this.
Try it. On family members. Friends. Neighbors. Co-workers.
Email them one or two short, powerful essays by Bastiat or Henry Hazlitt or Harry Browne.
Give them a copy of Jim Cox’s brief and persuasive book Minimum Wage, Maximum Damage.
Or Economics in One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt.
Or Libertarianism in One Lesson by David Bergland.
If they ask for more, lend or give them other books, essays, articles, audios and videos on free market economics and libertarianism.
We can out-teach many supporters of Big Government and opponents of liberty.
Because the facts are friendly to freedom.

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Rate the degree to which government authorities should intervene on this issue:
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