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A Testimonial and Thank You to My Fellow Advocates

A Testimonial and Thank You to My Fellow Advocates

Published in Communicating Liberty - 3 mins - May 02
(From the Persuasion Power Point section in Volume 19, No. 8 of the Liberator Online. Subscribe here!) Michael Cloud at the Advocates 20th Anniversary CelebrationFifteen years ago — in 1999 — the Liberator Online published my first Persuasion Point Column. I had been researching and developing, designing and refining, testing and correcting the Art of Libertarian Persuasion since the mid-1970s — and had published and taught what I had learned at Libertarian Party state conventions and many other libertarian events. But it was not until I partnered with the Advocates for Self-Government that my work really broke through and caught fire in the libertarian movement. We were made for each other. And for our fellow Advocates. Advocates Presidents Marshall Fritz, Carole Ann Rand, and Sharon Harris built an organization rooted in courtesy and civility — while advancing and advocating 24 carat gold, undiluted, uncompromised libertarianism. Jimmy Harris put together the FUN libertarian e-newsletter: the Liberator Online — featuring writers such as Mary Ruwart, David Bergland, Advocates’ President Sharon Harris, and me… Michael Cloud. Under his editorship we created a libertarian ezine that’s filled with life, love, liberty… and laughter. A publication that takes the ideas of liberty and the best ways to communicate them to tens of thousands of libertarian activists. It’s been a pleasure and an honor writing and working with these shining stars for 15 years. And I look forward to another 15 years of writing Persuasion Power Points. But I’m mainly writing for YOU, gentle reader, fellow Advocate… friend. Because you may be the next Tom Paine or George Washington or Patrick Henry. You may be the next Ayn Rand, Murray Rothbard, or Ludwig von Mises. You may be the next Henry Hazlitt or Harry Browne, Marshall Fritz or Dave Nolan. You could set in motion the largest political change since the American Revolution. OR — you could reach and teach the person who will be. Are you the one? Are you the individual who will take freedom to the Tipping Point? You give me hope. You and those you talk to about libertarianism. Thank you for choosing liberty.
* * * * * * * * Unlocking More Secrets of Libertarian PersuasionMichael Cloud’s latest book Unlocking More Secrets of Libertarian Persuasion is available exclusively from the Advocates, along with his acclaimed earlier book Secrets of Libertarian Persuasion.In 2000, Michael was honored with the Thomas Paine Award as the Most Persuasive Libertarian Communicator in America.

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Author of The Social Singularity, After Collapse, and The Decentralist. His most recent book is Underthrow: How Jefferson’s Dangerous Idea will Spark a New Revolution.

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