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The Libertarian Progress That Might Have Been

The Libertarian Progress That Might Have Been

Published in Communicating Liberty - 3 mins - Aug 22
(From the Persuasion Powerpoint section in Volume 18, No. 15 of the Liberator Online. Subscribe here!)
For of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these: “It might have been!” — John Greenleaf Whittier
Near the end of your life, you may have a chance to look back — and see what might have been. For your personal life. And for your libertarian life. You will probably regret a number of things you did — or failed to do. And wish you’d have made a different choice — a better one. Looking back, what regrets might you have about your current libertarian choices and actions? Will you regret participating in the libertarian movement — or wish you had been more involved? Operation Politically Homeless in ActionWill you regret spending an afternoon working at an Operation Politically Homeless booth — or sadly wish you had spent a day or two or three sharing the World’s Smallest Political Quiz? Will you regret reading Libertarianism in One Lesson, Healing Our World and a half dozen other libertarian classics — or will you wish you’d shared these books with curious high school or college students? Will you rue the day you donated $20 or $50 or $80 to the Advocates to help reach out to college students with our libertarian ideas and insights — or will you sadly wish you have given more… so the Advocates could do more? Will you feel bitterness and anger over the time and money you spent attending an Advocates communication seminar — or will you wish you could relive the experience? You don’t have to wait until it’s too late. You don’t have to wait until regret and sad might-have-beens fill your heart. Simply take five minutes alone — and imagine that you’re ninety and near the end of your life. Look at this day, this year through those eyes. Look at your libertarian choices and actions. Then make the libertarian choice you will NOT regret. The libertarian choice that will delight and please you today. The one that you’ll look back on with a smile — or tears of joy. As you take these actions, you’ll be growing the libertarian movement — and advancing the cause of freedom. And if enough of us do this today, tomorrow, this year and next… you may reach the last days of your life in a libertarian America. And you will be glad for the libertarian progress. * * * * * * * * Michael Cloud’s brand-new book Unlocking More Secrets of Libertarian Persuasion is available exclusively from the Advocates, along with his acclaimed earlier book Secrets of Libertarian Persuasion. In 2000, Michael was honored with the Thomas Paine Award as the Most Persuasive Libertarian Communicator in America.

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