Three More Reasons to Fear — and ABOLISH — the IRS (VIDEO)
In the wake of the recent IRS scandals, our friends at Reason TV have produced a fast, funny — and creepy — video that gives you “three good reasons to be scared as hell of the IRS.”
Reason’s Nick Gillespie points out that:
1. The IRS always been a political weapon.
John F Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, and Richard Nixon all sicked the IRS on enemies and dissenters. And they were just following in the footsteps of Franklin Roosevelt, whose own son said his father was “the originator of the concept of employing the IRS as a weapon of political retribution.”
2. IRS rulings are super-complicated and capricious.
The federal tax code is longer than Atlas Shrugged, Ulysses, and the Old Testament put together — and far less entertaining. And it’s so complex even former IRS commissioners need help preparing their returns.
3. Get ready, America: the IRS is… Obamacare’s enforcement mechanism.
Starting next year, the IRS will be the cop patrolling the Affordable Care Act’s mandates. Yes, you’ll be explaining to the IRS when, where, and how you bought health care.
Learn from this entertaining short video — just a minute and a half long — and share it with friends.
As for the solution, we agree with Libertarian Party Executive Director Carla Howell: abolish the IRS and the income tax — right now!
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