You can help UPDATE the World’s Smallest Political Quiz
A message from Mike Sertic, President, on progress, plans, and how you can help make those plans a reality.
Dear Advocates Supporter,
Are you like me? I want more people to understand and appreciate libertarianism — even if they don’t yet fully agree with it. If so, I need your help.
I bet you’ve used the WSPQ (World’s Smallest Political Quiz) — a.k.a., “The Quiz.” You helped someone plot their results on the Nolan Chart as the kick-off to a libertarian conversation. That’s why…
The Persuasion Funnel
The word “funnel” is jargon for a simple idea: There are steps in a sales process from lead generation to completing the sale. The goal is to move as many prospects as possible down to the conversion point.
For our entire history, we’ve had fantastic lead generation. But we haven’t had a systematic closing process – a quantifiable, consistently applied system for “moving Quiz-takers in a libertarian direction.” That’s why…
In our previous progress report, our Board Chair introduced you to tools we’re building for our Advocates sales funnel. The most dramatic and important of these was the QEP (Quiz Engagement Program). He told you…

I want you to help me replace OLD Quiz Questions with NEW Quiz Questions.
You can open a new tab and reference the online-version of the WSPQ as you help me with this task. The Quiz is an educational device. It’s also a “lead generation” tool. Lead generation is a technique for generating interest in a product. And if you think about it, libertarianism is a product designed to provide a specific set of social benefits.The Quiz is an excellent way to create interest in libertarianism.
WSPQ = Lead Generation But for many people, it’s been a long time since they used the WSPQ to kick off a personal conversation about libertarianism.- Maybe that’s because they thought The Quiz is so “20th century.”
- Perhaps the decline in personal usage of The Quiz is our fault, here at The Advocates.
- We’re getting nearly 40,000 Quiz-takers per month.
- Thousands of teachers find it very useful. Despite the headlines that all the kids are now socialists, we’re still finding libertarians in the classroom!
- The WSPQ was created in 1987 by Marshall Fritz.
- In 1998, Sharon and Jimmy Harris supervised a thorough review of The Quiz. They improved some word choices but kept existing questions.
- Here in 2020, I’m asking for your input to help write new questions to test.

- 23 million people have taken The Quiz since we put it online in 1996.
- For the next 23 million Quiz-takers we’re implementing a systematic program to “talk up” libertarianism.
- These pro-libertarian messages (“engagements”) will be based on the Quiz-taker’s Nolan Chart position. For example, if they score Right (conservative), we might explain the virtues of libertarianism using traditional tones and values.
- We’ll move people in our direction – sometimes a little and sometimes a lot. We’re going to measure the results of various messages. My analysis will, of course, include regressions!
- We’ve already begun working with our programming firm on the testing.
- I’ve also reached out to a professional econometrician to dive deeper into the analytics and find the very best questions.
- Your creative input means we’re leaving no stone unturned to find good questions.
- Your financial support means we’ve tested to ensure that we’ve chosen the best questions.
What do you think?
Rate the degree to which government authorities should intervene on this issue:
Most likely

Advocates for Self-Government is nonpartisan and nonprofit. We exist to help you determine your political views and to promote a free, prosperous, and self-governing society.
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