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VIDEO: It’s Almost Illegal to Start a Business in the U.S.A.

VIDEO: It’s Almost Illegal to Start a Business in the U.S.A.

Published in Economic Liberty - 1 mins - Apr 08
Believe it or not, in what was once the land of the free, fully one in three Americans must seek and win a government-issued license before they can start a business. No wonder unemployment’s so high! This funny — and horrifying — animated cartoon from the libertarian Institute for Justice (IJ) brings this important issue to life. Watch prospective entrepreneur Chuck try to start business after business across the country— and get slapped down time and time again by the outrageous maze of unjustifiable laws that stop would-be business owners from getting their ideas off the ground. And… well, we don’t want to give anything away, but you just won’t believe what happens to poor Chuck in the end. And it’s all true. The Institute for Justice says one of the principal obstacles to creating new jobs and entrepreneurial activity across the country is the complex web of regulations cities and states impose on small businesses. IJ has lots of back-up information for this video at their website. Their report “License To Work” is a good place to start. Share this entertaining and enlightening video with friends. Let them get mad about it too! About 5 minutes.

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