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VIDEO: The NSA Has “The Whole World in Its Hands”

VIDEO: The NSA Has “The Whole World in Its Hands”

Published in Liberator Online - 1 mins - Nov 13
(From the Intellectual Ammunition section in Volume 18, No. 21 of the Liberator Online. Subscribe here!) Every day more NSA bombshells hit the news. And no one seems able to stop them. So it’s time to bring out the big guns: calling the Kinsey Sicks! Yes, the Kinsey Sicks — stars of music, film, and Las Vegas and Off-Broadway live shows. Known worldwide for over 16 years as “America’s Favorite Dragapella Beautyshop Quartet.”
In this hilarious yet alarming video, the Kinsey Sicks turn the traditional American spiritual “They’ve Got the Whole World in Their Hands” into a smart and sassy Edward Snowden-inspired all-out assault on the tyrannical NSA and the police state that agency is busily building. (Be sure you catch all the lyrics: they’re printed just under the video, click on “Show  more.”) Maybe humor can do what politics has so far failed miserably at. Share this with your friends (and, like it or not, with your favorite government spy agency — because you know they’re watching)!

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