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Are You Waiting for Our Libertarian Ship to Come In?

Are You Waiting for Our Libertarian Ship to Come In?

Published in Communicating Liberty - 3 mins - May 21
(From the Persuasion PowerPoint section in Volume 19, No. 9 of the Liberator Online. Subscribe here!) big ship“Big Government is unsustainable,” said one libertarian. “It’ll collapse and that’s when we’ll get liberty.” “I’m part of the Remnant,” said another. “Liberty is doomed…for now. My job is to quietly share libertarianism until the world is ready for liberty.” “Our tax-burdened, regulation-strangled economy can’t last,” said a third. “When it falls apart, liberty will march in.” Passive waiting is NOT a strategy. Nor even a good choice — if you want freedom in our lifetime. You have to send out ships — if you want our ship to come in. Do you know where the phrase “waiting for my ship to come in” came from? In the 19th Century, English investors and entrepreneurs built huge sailing ships. It took months to build them, months to stock them with trading goods and provisions, and months to hire a good captain and crew. Then these ships were launched to seek out foreign producers and traders. To exchange English goods for gold and silver and jewels, for silk and spices and other precious things. Some of the ships hit reefs and sank. Others were destroyed by storms. Some were seized by pirates. Others mutinied — and went to Australia. There were no shortwave radios. No telegraphs. No cell phones. No way to communicate with the ships until they returned to England. “Waiting for my ship to come in” was coined by those who sent their ships out. How many ships have you sent out? How many have you helped make ready to launch? For our libertarian ships to come in, we must first send out many more seaworthy ships. Have you acquired an Operation Politically Homeless (OPH) libertarian outreach kit for your local libertarian organization? OPH is a proven, tested way to discover new libertarian-leaning people and bring them into the liberty movement. That’s one ship sent out. If you’re a student, the Advocates is giving OPH kits FREE to any campus libertarian organization that agrees to use them a minimum of three times in the coming year. Have you requested one for your campus group? That’s a second ship sent out. Have you volunteered to work at an OPH booth? That’s a third ship sent out. (AND the most fun you can have with your clothes on.) Have you forwarded thought-provoking articles from the Liberator Online to interested friends? That’s a fourth ship launched. Have you bought an Advocates book or product — say, Secrets of Libertarian Persuasion — for libertarian friends and acquaintances? For their birthdays? Or just because? That’s a fifth ship. (And a handbook on “shipbuilding” for liberty.) Work for liberty! Send out more and more ships. And you will stand a much better chance that YOUR libertarian ship will come in — and that you will have liberty in our lifetime.
* * * * * * * * Unlocking More Secrets of Libertarian Persuasion by Michael CloudMichael Cloud’s latest book Unlocking More Secrets of Libertarian Persuasion is available exclusively from the Advocates, along with his acclaimed earlier book Secrets of Libertarian Persuasion.In 2000, Michael was honored with the Thomas Paine Award as the Most Persuasive Libertarian Communicator in America.

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