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They Want Hate Between You

Published in Conversations With My Boys - 2 mins - Nov 18

They Want Hate Between You

This article was featured in our weekly newsletter, the Liberator Online. To receive it in your inbox, sign up here. BA(10): I wish I knew why those terrorist did that. Me: Would it comfort you to know why? BA: It would help me if I understood why. HateMe: Well, they murdered those people so you would hate Muslims. Like Al (a friend who is Muslim). They want you to hate Al. BA: I would never hate Al. Why do they want me to hate him? Me: They want you to make Al feel hated and attacked. They want you to work for them and make Al feel attacked. Like you are his enemy. They want you to hate Al and attack him so he has to defend himself from you. BA: Why would they want that? Me: They want Al to feel persecuted by you and they can’t do that job. They have to make you do that. They want hate between you. They want Al to hate you and they want Al to join them. BA: I would never hate Al. Me: It doesn’t begin as hate. It begins as fear and distrust. When you fear and distrust your friends and neighbors you are doing the work the terrorists want you to do. You are working for them. BA: If I hate anyone I hate the terrorists. Me: That also serves them. Hate is like a little pile of burning matches. You can not put out that little burning pile of matches by adding your own burning match to it. You must quench hate and more hate does not quench hate. Do you see? BA: Yes. Me: When there is great hatred like there was last night in Paris we are being called to great love and compassion. We are called to love the people who have died and the mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, sons, daughters, and friends who are heartbroken with grief. Love quenches hate. Do you see? BA: They want me to hate and be afraid. Me: Yes. Do you remember those people who came to our church to frighten people? BA: It’s like that. It’s the same thing. Only they didn’t kill us they just tried to scare us. Me: Yes. It’s hate. They want you to hate. When you hate, you are on the side of those who hate.

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