How Committed Are You?
How Committed Are You?
This article was featured in our weekly newsletter, the Liberator Online. To receive it in your inbox, sign up here. Unless you live under a rock, you’ve undoubtedly heard about Rachel Dolezal, the former President of the Spokane, Washington NAACP. Regardless of one’s thoughts about her allegedly fabricated backstory, her accomplishments for the African-American community, the legal dispute with her family, and her questionable racial background, you have to admit that her commitment to a cause and the efforts she’s made are admirable. As someone who’s worked with libertarian activists and volunteers for years, I wish I had come across JUST ONE that was half as committed to the libertarian movement as Ms. Dolezal is to the black community in Spokane. That brings me to my original question. How committed are you to the libertarian movement? Are you writing a letter to the editor every week about a libertarian position on an issue? Are you utilizing social media to to advance the libertarian cause? Are you reaching out to the people in your community with tools like anOperation Politically Homeless booth? Now is the time for libertarians to seize the opportunities afforded us by so many finally seeing the problems with Big Government and its exponential growth. The government we see today has grown far beyond anything envisioned by Jefferson, Adams, Madison, and Paine. What are you going to do to stop that growth and help reverse course? No one’s asking you to be as committed as Ms. Dolezal, but can you make a positive impact for your community in the same way she has hers?What do you think?
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