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Our new platform: ASG.STREAM – Films. Freedom. Community

Our new platform: ASG.STREAM – Films. Freedom. Community

Published in CiVL - 1 mins - Apr 14

Have you been looking for an streaming platform dedicated to human freedom? The Advocates for Self-Government is bringing the goods. Longform. Short film. We’re serving up high-production-value content in one convenient app that make the case for self-government. (Hint: that’s the SG in ASG.)

Already called the “N*tflix of Liberty,” ASG.STREAM promises to bring you the most comprehensive array of options that serve that great liberatory movement you belong to. Not only can you receive a steady diet of great films, but you will also be able to join the conversation and find your tribe.

The platform is set to launch in the summer of 2023.

ASG.STREAM is a 501(c)3 donor-supported platform. Membership is free, and you can join here.

Watch Gunpoint, Only on ASG.STREAM | April 18th

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Advocates for Self-Government is nonpartisan and nonprofit. We exist to help you determine your political views and to promote a free, prosperous, and self-governing society.

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